Ancestral Lands

Start Earning $Gold!

Join our Telegram bot and dive into an exciting mini-game where every TAP makes you stronger and earns you $GOLD!. Startas a humble warrior and progress on your journey to greatness by leveling up as you advance. Complete quests, invite your friends, and compete in the Level and Referral leaderboards to earn even more rewards. Become a legend in the game!

Not only do we have Tap Tap! We also offer an exciting, interactive minigame in our bot where you can combine items like swords, bows, and more of the same level to increase your power and progress in the game. Additionally, you'll have the option to sell them for GOLD quickly, allowing you to upgrade your characters and grow even faster. Accumulate as much gold as possible and obtain the best weapons in the minigame to win weekly prizes and participate in special events. Dominate the rankings to receive amazing airdrops!

Game Screenshot
App screenshot

Web Game!

This is the second phase of the game, where you will enter a Click to Earn type blockchain universe developed on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). Here, you will lead teams of Orcs, Elves, Humans and Undead in an epic battle for the domination of the realms. Your goal will be to build a legendary empire, defeat elemental bosses, and accumulate as much $GOLD as possible. All this with the possibility of withdrawing your winnings directly to your wallet to celebrate your success

Road Map Title


Stage 1


  • Branding
  • Artwork Creation
  • Telegram Bot Alpha
Stage 2

First Development Stage

  • Start of Marketing
  • Referral Rewards
  • Start of Daily/Weekly/Monthly Airdrops in USDT
  • HUI Update for the Bot
  • Special Cards for Content Creators
  • Implementation of MiniGame in the BOT
  • Ancestral Land Web Alpha
Stage 3

Second Development Stage

  • Betting Game within the BOT
  • Player Clans and Special Events for the BOT
  • Daily Combo
  • Generate External Income to Inject into the Community
  • Start of Comics
  • Private Test of Ancestral Land Web for Selected Bot Players
Stage 4

Third Development Stage

  • Ancestral Land Web Airdrop
  • Official Launch of Ancestral Land Web
  • Migration of Paid Improvements to Ancestral Land Web
  • Presale of Unique NFTs
  • Weekly Promos and Events
  • Launch of VIP and ITEMS
  • Clan Wars



Welcome to the realm of Ancestral Lands!

Tap and grow stronger with each level.

Your journey begins as a humble warrior.

Advance through the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legend.

Start your adventure:

“Become the ultimate warrior in Ancestral Lands!”

Embark on your journey now!

Game Overview:

In this medieval-themed game, players start with 1 Silver Coin per tap and 500 energy. As you level up, both your energy and rewards increase. You can advance up to level 12, where each tap earns you more coins and energy regenerates every 3 hours.

Example: At level 5, you have 2500 energy and each tap grants 5 Silver Coins.

Level Progression: Each level brings new challenges and greater rewards as you evolve your character. Here are the stages:

    Level 1: 5,000 Silver Coins (Initiate) - Small Orc
    Level 2: 25,000 Silver Coins (Novice) - Medium Orc
    Level 3: 50,000 Silver Coins (Bronze) - Large Orc
    Level 4: 100,000 Silver Coins (Silver) - Small Elf Mage
    Level 5: 500,000 Silver Coins (Gold) - Medium Elf Mage

Daily rewards and challenges await you!

Conquer the Lands with Strategy and Persistence

Advance through levels, earn rewards, and become the top warrior in Ancestral Lands.

Your journey starts with small steps. With every tap, you gain experience and resources. As you evolve, your character grows stronger, unlocking new abilities and greater rewards.

Invite friends, complete tasks, and claim daily rewards to accelerate your progress.

The path to the top isn’t easy, but with determination and a bit of strategy, you’ll become a legendary warrior in Ancestral Lands.

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